List/Grid RNA-seq


RNA-SeQC: RNA-seq metrics for quality control and process optimization.

RNA-SeQC is  a program which provides key measures of data quality. These metrics include yield, alignment and Incoming search terms:RNA-SeQC alternative splicingRSEM outputngs rna ...

KISSPLICE: de-novo calling alternative splicing events from RNA-seq data

kisSplice calls splicing events from one to n sets of NGS/HTS reads. It takes as input one to n sets of NGS raw reads or an already created de-Bruijn graph. Incoming search terms:KISSPLICEKISSPLICE ...

FX: an RNA-Seq analysis tool on the cloud.

FX is a user-Frendly RNA-Seq gene eXpression analysis tool, empowered by the concept of cloud-computing. With FX, you can simply upload your RNA-Seq raw .   Incoming search terms:an ...

PASSion: a pattern growth algorithm based pileline for splice site detection in paired-end RNA-Seq data

PASSion uses the mapped read in a pair as anchor and then uses a high resolution algorithm, pattern growth, to remap the proximal and distal fragments of the Incoming search terms:passion ...

RNASEQR-a streamlined and accurate RNA-seq sequence analysis program

Next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies-based transcriptomic profiling method often called RNA-seq has been widely used to study global gene Incoming search terms:rnaseqreufrhqxrdj1wp\accurate\rna_baatcptRNASEQR ...

deepBlockAlign: a tool for aligning RNA-seq profiles of read block patterns

deepBlockAlign is a tool for the alignment of two RNA-seq read patterns. The analysis starts from closely spaced blocks of Incoming search terms:deepblockalign: a tool for aligning ...

RSEM: accurate transcript quantification from RNA-Seq data with or without a reference genome.

RSEM is an user-friendly software package for quantifying gene and isoform abundances from single-end or paired-end RNA-Seq data. RSEM outputs Incoming search terms:rsem downloadrsem ...
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